New to Opinion Science and don’t know where to start? Check out this list of personal and fan favorite episodes.
- Episode 105: Targeted Messaging Online with Sandra Matz
- Episode 104: Posters as Persuasion with Angelina Lippert (ft. Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.)
- Episode 103: Taking Extreme Acion with Joe Siev
- Episode 102: Protest with Colin Wayne Leach
- Episode 101: Studying Persuasion with Rich Petty
- Episode 100: A Unified Model of Persuasion
- Episode 99: The Power of Random Roommates with Sarah Gaither and Analia Albuja
- Episode 98: Deep Canvassing with Dave Fleischer
- Episode 97: Opinions and Reputations with Christian Wheeler
- Episode 96: Anti-Science Views with Aviva Philipp-Muller
- Episode 95: Marketing Across Cultures with Aaron Barnes
- Episode 94: Bringing Behavioral Science to Government with David Halpern
- Episode 93: A Life in Behavioral Science with Daniel Kahneman
- Episode 92: Can We Fix Social Media? with Andy Guess
- Episode 91: Being a Social Science Maverick with Sendhil Mullainathan
- Special: “They Thought We Were Ridiculous”
- Episode 90: How Prejudice Works with Jack Dovidio
- Episode 89: Opinions of our Partners with Jim McNulty
- BONUS: “Best” of Opinion Science (2023)
- Episode 88: Studying Happiness with Liz Dunn
- Episode 87: How Juries Decide with Mikaela Spruill
- Episode 86: Framing Political Issues with James Druckman
- Episode 85: Having Curious Conversations with Mónica Guzmán
- Episode 84: Moral Lessons in Media with Lindsay Hahn
- Episode 83: The Fundamental Nature of Opinion with Russ Fazio
- Episode 82: Having Political Conversations with Taylor Carlson
- Episode 81: Moral Language with Morteza Dehghani
- Episode 80: Don’t Get Fooled Again with Dan Simons & Chris Chabris
- Episode 19 Update: Political Humor as Persuasion with Danna Young
- Episode 79: “Survivor” Bias with Erin O’Mara Kunz
- Episode 78: Our Impressions of Others with Leor Hackel
- Episode 77: Opinions in the Brain with Uma Karmarkar
- Episode 76: You Can’t Tell Me What to Do with Ben Rosenberg
- Episode 75: High-Quality Listening with Guy Itzchakov
- Episode 74: When a Society Changes its Mind with Tessa Charlesworth
- Episode 73: Navigating Diversity with Maureen Craig
- Episode 72: Fighting Against Misinformation with Sander van der Linden
- Episode 71: Person = Man? with April Bailey
- BONUS: “Best” of Opinion Science (2022)
- Episode 70: A Mixed Bag with Geoff Durso
- Episode 69: Directing Attention with Tony Barnhart (ft. Erik Tait)
- Episode 68: Intellectual Humility with Tenelle Porter
- Episode 67: Confronting Prejudice with Margo Monteith
- Episode 66: Your Language Shapes your Opinions with Efrén Pérez
- Episode 65: Language is for Doing with Thomas Holtgraves
- Episode 64: Saving Democracy with Robb Willer
- Episode 63: Why We Need Polls with G. Elliott Morris
- Episode 62: Persuasion via Emotion with Robin Nabi
- Episode 61: Moral Conviction with Linda Skitka
- Episode 60: Unconscious Bias? with Adam Hahn
- Episode 59: Belief Systems with Mark Brandt
- Episode 58: How Minds Change with David McRaney (ft. Adam Mastroianni)
- Episode 57: Media, Norms, & Social Change with Sohad Murrar
- Episode 56: Receptiveness to Other Opinions with Julia Minson
- Episode 55: Stereotypes at the Intersection with Chris Petsko
- Episode 54: Influence is Your Superpower with Zoe Chance
- BONUS: “Best” of Opinion Science (2021)
- Episode 53: Influence on the Ground with Brian Ahearn
- Episode 52: Applying Behavioral Science with Melina Palmer
- Episode 51: On Debate with Harish Natarajan, Dan Zafrir, & Noa Ovadia
- Episode 50: To Persuade is Human?
- Episode 49: Inoculating Against Persuasion with Josh Compton
- Episode 48: “Selling” Social Science with Daniel Pink
- Episode 47: Moral Foundations & Political Opinion with Jesse Graham
- Episode 46: Polling 101 with Ashley Amaya
- Episode 45: How Kids Judge with Larisa Heiphetz
- Episode 44: The Contact Hypothesis
- Episode 43: Values with Greg Maio
- Episode 42: Thinking with Richard Nisbett
- Episode 41: Taking Social Science into the World with Neil Lewis Jr.
- Episode 40: Explaining Brains with Alie and Micah Caldwell
- Episode 39: Social Media Polarization with Chris Bail
- Episode 38: American Islamophobia with Nazita Lajevardi
- Episode 37: Influence with Robert Cialdini
- Episode 36: Negotiation with Kwame Christian
- Episode 35: Ambivalence with Iris Schneider
- Episode 34: Opinions of Ourselves with Ken DeMarree
- Episode 33: Liking What Helps You with David Melnikoff
- Episode 32: Moralizing and Attention with Ana Gantman
- Episode 31: The Language of Opinion with Matt Rocklage
- Episode 30: “Us vs. Them” with Jay Van Bavel
- Episode 29: Hype with Michael F. Schein
- Episode 28: When Money Buys Happiness with Lara Aknin
- BONUS: “Best” of Opinion Science (2020)
- Episode 27: Giving and Getting Good Gifts
- Episode 26: Intersectional Role Models in STEM with India Johnson and Eva Pietri
- Episode 25: Geography of Bias with Eric Hehman
- Episode 24: Persuasion via Story-Telling with Melanie Green
- Episode 23: Polling Young Voters with Kristen Soltis Anderson
- Episode 22: Political Persuasion with Alex Coppock
- Episode 21: More Influence Than You Realize with Vanessa Bohns
- BONUS: Good Accidents with Elliot Aronson
- BONUS: Dissonance and the New Look with Joel Cooper
- Episode 20: The Cognitive Dissonance Episode
- Episode 19: Political Humor as Persuasion with Danna Young
- Episode 18: Health Communication with Allison Earl
- Episode 17: How We Think About Animals with Kristof Dhont
- Episode 16: Implicit Bias with Mahzarin Banaji
- Episode 15: Political Campaigning with Joe Fuld (ft. Pavan Parikh)
- Episode 14: Certainty with Zakary Tormala
- Episode 13: Fake News with Gordon Pennycook
- Episode 12: Comedy + Science with Shannon Odell
- Episode 11: Opinions Across Cultures with Sharon Shavitt
- Episode 10: Policing, Race, and Advocacy with Deion Hawkins
- Episode 9: Systemic Racism with Phia Salter
- Episode 8: Opinions Online with William Brady
- Episode 7: Neither Liberal nor Conservative with Nathan Kalmoe
- Episode 6: Film Criticism with Alissa Wilkinson (ft. Cody Duckworth)
- Episode 5: Perceived Bias with Laura Wallace
- Episode 4: Climate Change Communication with Matt Goldberg
- Episode 3: “Disgusted” with Yoel Inbar
- Episode 2: Good vs. Bad with Jehan Sparks
- Episode 1: Word of Mouth with Jake Teeny